It's a greeting card that should convey the feeling that you are perfect for this job please call to schedule an interview.
And just as you would have different kinds of cards for different types of occasions, you need to have different resumes for the different positions for which you may apply.
Your Resume and Cover letter MUST speak directly to each position. This is the difference between sending out 60 resumes a week, and only getting 3 phone calls and sending a much high percentage.
You don't have to rewrite your resume every time... for instance, if you are looking for customer service position and/or billing (Accounts receivable). You can have two very similar resumes, in the description of the work performed at each previous job, the customer service resume would stress customer service interaction and the accounts receivable resume would have the same details, stressing the accounting aspect of the job. You might even keep the exact same detail, but just switch the order that the work description is listed for the different resumes.
Also, try revamping your resume and after your name and contact information put together a two column list of your skills. Like a quick summary. Here are some examples of skills: MS Word 2003 - 2007, MS Outlook, Webmail, Typing 91 WPM, Quickbooks Pro 2003... You get the idea. Your skills may be related to a specific phone system, or medical software, or heavy equipment.
Think about it, your skills are really what most employers are interested in. Your previous employment and education speak to the employer about your ability to learn, your ability to stick to a job and will give them someone to call to confirm that you can perform the skills you listed. But honestly... it's your skills they want.
NEVER NEVER NEVER include a specific salary requirement in your cover letter or resume. If the ad for the position requires that a "salary requirement be specified" or the resume won't be considered, then put in a desired range, with at least $5000.00 wiggle room. Here's why.... by committing to a salary, you are bidding against yourself. Why put how much, when you don't know what they are offering?
The bottom line is the resume is the unsung hero of successful job searches. Don't be satisfied with that old thing you have been using for years. Take a look at it. Work on it. AND USE IT!
Here are a couple of links to some resume services that I have found on the web...
as well as a Link to MY Resume Template! keep me posted.
Click here for My Resume Template only $5.95 - Its a Very Successful : Buy Now
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