Thursday, June 25, 2009

Please take a quick survey!

Good Morning. I've been away for a while... taking care of my family while continuing to look for new blog topics. I am currently working on an article which will provide my readers with the results of my recent "quick survey" If you haven't taken the time to answer my survey yet... please do...

Click here to access the survey -

Thank you!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Still Struggling to Make Your Blog Profitable?

Still Struggling to Make Your Blog Profitable?

If you’re still scratching your head about learning from a blog, you are most certainly not alone. MOST blogs that attempt to turn a profit, struggle to do so.

It’s much easier to get things right the first time if you sign up to receive the Secret Blogger’s Cheatsheet. This easy-to-follow checklist outlines the steps you need to get your blog up and running, filled with content, getting traffic and earning.

The details are right here: blogger paycheck

When you sign up, you also get 8-weeks of additional instruction via email. The course is f r e e and you can cancel anytime, but I encourage you to stick to it because you’re getting a step-by-step formula to success.

Top 10 Tips for Blog Reader Optimization

It seems like everyone is so concerned about optimizing their blog for search engines… but many people have forgotten about the reader. What about optimizing the blog for the reader?
When researching a recent article, I found a great blog filled with fantastic information, but I couldn’t figure out how to locate any additional posts. It was a gobbledygook of tag clouds, widgets and color. It was a little scary.

So, here is my list of ways you can optimize your blog for your reader. You want to engage your readers and make your blog easy to return to, without any hassles.

1. Spell Check — This is one of my struggles. It’s not that I don’t know how to spell, it’s the typos. AND I promise myself that I will go back and spell check but someone’s in the rush of the morning… I forget. Even I, the typo queen, get annoyed when entries are riddled with spelling errors. It’s more frustrating than fun. So, don’t forget to spell check.

2. Offer Posts by Email — many of my readers don’t actually visit my blog. They are members of a Google or yahoo group that gets the posts automatically and once I approve the entry, they get the email too. My subscribe button allows the reader to select how they want to be notified of new entries.

3. Terrible Templates – sigh, I am as guilty as the next person. In fact, while researching this article I realized that I have tortured everyone enough with my colorful boxes and I am going back… sigh… back to an easy to read… nay, pleasant on the eyes template. The key here is you… the reader, not me the author. I want you to return, so I should make it as likely as possible that you will enjoy the experience.

4. Font – Along with the terrible template comes the font. I have read blogs that the font is so small that it hurts to read, and others that the font is so decorative it looks like another language. Remember, you are writing to be read, and if the reader doesn’t enjoy it… they will leave.

5. How you write — This blog is meant to be read quickly and hopefully time and time again. I take great liberties with sentence structure and different topics require different approaches. I also write a business blog for located at and the style is completely different. It is more businesslike and authoritative.

6. Widget Overload — I like cool gadgets just as much as the next person, but too many can be too distracting. In addition to making it hard to read the blog, they can also make it hard to navigate.

6. Navigation — Don’t forget that you individual blog entry in the very least, is part of a bigger group of entries, and at the most may just be a small part of a much larger website. Without navigation, page tabs or buttons, the reader won’t know about any of those other places they can visit. Many blog templates bury the page navigation while others display them more prominently. Select the template that prominently displays the links.

7. Content — If I were going to put these suggestions in order of importance, I would have to say that content will rank around number one. Content is ultimately what is going to get you the readers and keep them coming back for more.

8. Post Often — The more frequently you post, the more likely your readers will check in regularly. If it’s the same old same old, several days in a row, they may not put you into their regular schedule. Posting often will also increase your page ranking… as it is referred to as ‘feeding the bots’.

9. Ping Blog Search Sites - when you add a new blog entry, you can let sites such as feedburner or Google’s blog search. I use ping-o-matic which allows you to upload your blog and select who you want to ping. The quicker you get noticed, the quick you get read… the more people will joining you regularly.

10. Buy your own domain — If for no other reason this keeps your domain name short… (chuckle chuckle) the other reason is that then you own your blog. You won’t have to worry about anyone shutting it down, or going out of business and closing up shop. It’s not easy starting over (believe me) trying to gain back readership to a new location is difficult. My first Mom blogger blog is located on and now that I own my own site, I have to blog in two places. Here ( ) and there.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this list of 10 tips for optimizing your blog for readers.

Please send me your suggestions or pet peeves….

Also, don’t forget to subscribe to receive updates!

Mom Blogger!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

How to Find Most Searched Keywords

The Internet is a huge and unwieldy animal....and finding your niche market is fantastic... but how will anyone find you?

Have you heard or seen SEO... that stands for Search Engine Optimization... and it is more than just placing keywords on your hidden meta tags, and in your text... it's about writing relevant text around the popular keywords so that the search engine crawlers pick up the page with high relevance.

Recently I was hired to write content for a business blog, the challenge here is that it is a new blog without ANY following.. In fact, I'm starting the blog from scratch - (and still tweaking but you can take a peek

My audience should be small business owners in New Jersey looking for a full service computer solution company. It's a real challenge to find words that a business owner would use online and not get buried on the 144,998,009 page. It's a challenge... and here are some tools

1., provides a selection of searches on different categories. This URL will show previous weeks most popular searches Click Here

2. Dogpile, another search engine provides an interesting glimpse at currently searched words Click Here

3. Google Trends, this is my favorite. Google Trends allows you to put in your keyword and check it's ranking... AND, allows you to compare several keywords. Turns out that something I thought would be popular... sigh... wasn't even found. Click Here

4. Google Zietgeist, this is another fantastic tool from Google. This is a compilation of several tools that allow you to check out what's popular. Click Here

5. Yahoo Buzz, This seems like a fairly new tool. Honestly, I just found it today and since the URL says "beta" they obviously changed something. :O) I checked out the site and it looks like a great collection of most searched topics and keywords on Yahoo. Click Here

Once you have found the relevant search words, you need to incorporate them into your blog or web content. Blogging is a great way to education and drive traffic to sites.

Recently I purchased a great ebook (54 pages) on how to earn money blogging... I've been blogging for years and I never knew... how much I didn't know. Anyway, if you are interested in checking it out you can Click Here!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Help Writing an eBook from a Professional!

Want Ebook Publishing Help?
Here's an article on ebook publishing you'll find helpful!


Let's Get One Thing Straight About Being A Published Author

- by Jim Edwards and David Garfinkel

(c) 2002 - All Rights reserved


Just for fun, evaluate the following statement:

"Most people want to write a book and get it published, but that's simply impossible 99% of the time."

Is the above statement true?

Not exactly. What's true is that most people THINK they can't write a book and get it published. And while that's a widely-held belief, just the opposite is true.

In fact, it's easier to write and get published today than ever before - especially thanks to the ebook "revolution." The field of ebooks is literally wide open for all who are interested - including, perhaps, you!

What does it take to write and publish your own ebook?

Three things:

1) A TOPIC you are interested in that others would also like to know more about.

2) The DESIRE to get the ebook written (note - you can write it yourself, but you don't have to. There are other proven and simple ways to get your ebook written and published for you.)

3) A simple, one-page, "sales letter" WEB SITE to sell the ebook.

Does it take a lot of money or any special aptitudes? Oddly enough, not really. You have to be willing to take action, certainly, and learn as you go, but there are no special educational, financial or talent requirements to become a successful ebook author.

The truth is, it costs very little to get started. You can get a domain registered and online for as little as $9 to start and $6 a month for website hosting.

In fact, there are actually six ways you can create an ebook without ever writing a word of it - so you don't need to be a skilled writer. We'll tell you about one of them, in-depth, right now.

Think of a topic you know something about that you'd like to write an ebook on.

Once you have that topic in mind, then all you need to do is write a list of questions other people would pay to get the answers to... give that list to a friend... have the friend call you on the phone and ask you those questions... record the call... have the recording transcribed... and edit the transcription!

Presto - you've just created a "meaty" ebook fast! (Yes, it really is that simple!)

By the way, if you don't want to transcribe or edit the ebook yourself, you can get both of those things done for you for surprisingly little money... as little as a few hundred dollars, total, in many cases.

That's how we wrote our most recent ebook.

As authors ourselves, we came up with a list of questions, got on the phone, recorded the answers, and had the entire 4 1/2 hour conversation transcribed. Using this phone call -transcription - edit route we created an ebook in about a week. It cost us a total of $163 to produce it. (We hired out the transcription, and did the editing ourselves.)

So far we've spent *zero* money on advertising and, as we write this article today, we've sold over $49,683 worth of that ebook in less than six months!

We're not unique in that way. We know many others who have successfully published ebooks - including another small publisher who has used this exact same method to create dozens of ebooks.

If you can clearly understand a specific problem, want, need or desire of a large enough target audience and then create a publication that helps them get what they want, you stand to make a lot of money and help a great number of people at the same time.

If there ever was a "golden age" of publishing, NOW is the time. The truth of the matter is, today anyone can become a published author with an ebook in less than a couple of weeks. Between us, we have 11 ebooks online and we're making money every day, even as you read this.

You can do the same. Opportunity awaits you right now. It's never been easier to seize the day and go for your dream - become a published author!


Jim Edwards and David Garfinkel are co-authors of "eBook Secrets Exposed," the authoritative resource for making a lot of money quickly writing and publishing your own ebook. Guerrilla Marketing series author Jay Conrad Levinson says, "If ever there was a 'must-read' for this century, it's this book." For more information...

Click Here=> For More Ebook Publishing Information

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Free Blogging Blue Print Report

Email me at and I will send you a free 35 report detailing the steps to a successful blog!


Business Idea - Blogging for Profit, No Previous Experience Required

Blogs – it seems like just about everyone has one.

If you don’t know what a blog is, it comes from the phrase “web log”, which is an online diary or journal of sorts. People have all kinds of reasons for starting a blog. They may do it for fun, because they love writing or just to have an outlet to express their thoughts, vent frustrations and more.

But you can make a blog into a money-making business, even if you have no blogging or business experience.

How to Get Started

You can actually start your blog completely for free. There are services like and that make it super easy. But note, John Yeo, profitable blog and creator of Blogger’s Paycheck the recommends that those seeking profit should Wordpress, but in a different way than is explained at and he goes through it in detail in the course.

How to Make Money with a Blog

Simply put, pick a theme or major topic for your blog and start writing. Even if you have no product of your own, you can still make money from your blog by selling and displaying advertising, earning commissions recommending products and other activities. This is also something John Yeo covers in detail.

What if You Don’t Like to Write

Many people think they can’t blog if they don’t enjoy writing or feel they aren’t talented writers, but that shouldn’t stop anyone. A blog is about sharing thoughts and you don’t have to be an award-winning writer to do that. In addition, the growing popularity of online video and audio open up more possibilities for sharing content. You can also hire a ghostwriter if you want a text blog and want to avoid writing.

The Keys to Profitable Blogging
To profit from blogging, there are a few key ingredients:
1. Target a highly interested audience of readers who happen to be consumers. In other words, people who readily spend money to pursue their hobbies, interests and desires that you’ll be writing about.
2. Create interesting content that people are readily looking for, that they’ll talk about to their friends and come back for over and over again.
3. Sign up for the Blogger’s Pay Check Course that will take you through setting up your blog, building traffic, making money and more.

Photo Blogging

Just like vlogs, photo blogs are born from the need to communicate and integrate in a community that has reached international dimensions. A photo blog mainly relies on photo sharing and publishing, while also using textual support as well. Nevertheless, when you visit a photo blog you'll understand where the focus really lies; the phenomenon deviated from blogging with the advent of the cameraphones that allow the instant photo sharing between web users. The big advantage of such pages is that they are very dynamic in nature as compared to traditional sites. There are photo blogs that belong to individual domains and others that use larger collective services such as Blogger.

Widely accessible all over the web, photo blogs are managed with the help of specific software systems that enable content control. Thus, photo bloggers are able to upload materials and manage all posts without any restriction; the same unrestricted form is maintained for the access to photo blogs, since all that is required is a browser and direct online access. There are cases when the transition from text to photo blogs is made with the use of plugins and even code rewriting; thus a combination of text and image is possible when a blogger selects a daily entry option.

Usually photo blogs have a single author, nevertheless it is not uncommon that two or three people contribute to the same web page. The posts display depends on chronology, with the main page showing the most recent entries, but you may go back to the archives any time you want. Photo blogs are highly interactive too since users may leave any comments they want for a special entry. The presence of friendly links is also important in the photo blogging community, given the fact that creators come to move freely between sites.

It is totally incorrect to take pictures galleries for photo blogs; while the former is a simple collection images, the latter is a chronological log that uses categories allowing the user to navigate among them from older to newer materials and vice versa. It is not uncommon to also have photo blogs and moblogs as one and the same unit; though they may also function separately as well. A photo blog that can be updated from a mobile location such as camera phones could be labeled as mob logs. Nevertheless this latter concept could well function without pictures as well. In a nut shell, the composite character of the Internet allows the happy existence of hybrid blog types that enrich the puzzle even more.

For More information about how to run and make money with your blog, CLICK HERE.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How to Make Money with your Blog

Before I get started, I want to tell you right off the bat... there is no easy way or special formula for earning money with your blog. Just like any job that pays, you need to expect to put time into your blog in order to see any revenue.

Most people that blog won't see a problem with that... because they are already putting in the time performing the single most important task..... Blog entries.

If you want to earn money with your blog, you need to post an entry EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Now, how can you make money? There are really 2 ways, you can sell a tangible items, or you can sell advertising.

Digital items or electronic items are very easy to sell on blogs. All you need is a product, (ie. Electronic book, digital photographs, music) a Payloadz account ( is a method of selling digital downloads) and a Paypal account (I'm sure you know, that is a method of receiving payments online)

If you don't have a product, you should consider the second method for making money, Advertising.

Again, there is really no easy way to make money.... but there are proven methods that work.... or don't work. Adwords is popular because it takes the keywords from your blog entry and displays ads for items that are similar. If you are using a free blogging platform like or they have automated the implementation of adwords. That means, once you sign up for the Google Adwords account... and following your blogging hosts instructions to ad the widget... your work is done.

I have not had much luck with Adwords. My blogs don't get the traffic that is required to make advertising money in that way. However, if you are writing to a particular niche... the amount of traffic... is not as important as the quality of traffic.

However, the second option, affiliate advertising is a different story.

In essense affiliate advertising allows you to find products you trust and enjoy... and earn money promoting them. For instance, I recently purchased the program Rob Benwell - Blogging to the Bank

I have been blogging for years and was only making marginal income.... it wasn't until I read this 54 page ebook that I realized what mistakes I was making.

This is really a great product, and as a result I have a great time promoting it and earn a commission each time it sells.

If you are interested in investigating affiliate earnings, there are several places you should visit... and both of these websites are basically warehouses for companies that will pay you a commission for people that purchase items by clicking through your site.

In closing... it's important to keep writing. It's important to enjoy your topic, so that you can engage your reader... and it's important to find products that you are excited about so that you can promote them honestly on your blog.

Have a great day... keep blogging.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Advertising on Facebook - The Make Money Blogging Campaign

Well, friends the time has come.

Finally, I have decided to delve into the realm of paid advertising. For those of you that have been following my many Ralph Cramden-like escapades, you will have noticed that I have put my heart and soul into many different ways to communicate my great product(s) to the outside world.

Although the money is coming in.... it's not the river rush, but more of a trickling stream.

Today I am joining the "advertise on Facebook" bandwagon.

Here's what I liked about setting up my ad's... It was easy, and it can be as inexpensive as I like.

Today I set up 2 ads, both ads will run for 1 week. Both ads will cost me no more than $2.00 a day.

It will be interesting to see if that little ad will open the flood gates (as I hope), to the mad rush of incoming cash!

My current pet project is making money from blogging.

I have this report, I purchased it, it is AWESOME! I have been blogging for 4 years and I thought I knew everything there was to know about blogging and how to turn a profit doing it... but this report was fantastic and really put me on a different track.

It was worth every penny... and it was incredibly cheap! Click here for more info

But this blog entry isn't a sales pitch for the "Blogging to the Bank" program, even though it changed my blogging life... This blog entry is all about my experiment advertising on Facebook.

Today, I am going to experiment further... by placing an ad for a friend of mine that runs a Closet Organization Company, it will be interesting to see if 'work from home' guide will draw more clients then a physical product like Closet Experts. Hmmmmmmm

I will keep you posted.

3/22/09 is the end of the Facebook Campaign and I will share with you my statistics and the outcome of my first ever venture into advertising on Facebook.

Wish me luck!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Choosing Your Blog Topic - and Making Money

Choosing your blog topic is easy.

Choosing a blog topic that will make you money..... not so easy.

Here are some tips.

#1) Write about something that you enjoy. I put this first, because... well, it's 4:58 am right now, it's important to me to be excited and WANT to write in my blog. I have several blogs and each morning I pick which topic I feel motivated to write about. Why did I pick this topic... Well, I enjoy looking for new ways to make money from home.. and I enjoy sharing that information. My friends are a little tired of me constantly trying to tell them about these great opportunities... so, that's where you come in... my extended circle of friends! :)

#2) Write about something you know. Let's face it... I may enjoy airplane rides... but I don't really know ANYTHING about airplanes. This also ties back into writing about what you enjoy, you are going to have to do a certain amount of research. Perhaps googling your topic in the morning to get ideas... or checking other industry specific resources... Unless your topic is your family... or (in my sister's case) her backyard garden... then you may have to do some research

#3) Third party content. I never thought about this when I first started blogging, but my readers are happy that I eventually did... Sometimes I access third party content that is related to my topic... it gives that particular entry the different voice that is required to keep people interested. Of course, you have to have permission to reprint someone else's materials, but if your topic is popular there will be other means for putting together the daily entries that are required to keep your blog popular

#4) Popularity. Many blogs are found by chance... if your topic is too popular, you will be buried pages and pages down from the initial search, if your topic is too obscure, very few people will be searching for it... It's a fine line, start with doing some searches of your topic. Go to and see what the most popular blogs are being written about...

#5) Affiliates. As I've pointed out before, a great way to make money with blogging is by attaching affiliate advertising to your blog. These are links that will pay you a percentage if someone clicks through and purchases the product. There are a couple of different ways to locate affiliates in your topics... and I will go over them in a later article, but for a sneak peak at some popular affiliates you can go to a page devoted to "Money Making affiliates"

...yawn... only 3 more blogs to go! I love this job.

Have a great day!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

How to Make Money Blogging

How to make money blogging, this article is courtesy of Rob Benwell, you can check out his ebook for more info.

There are two ways of making money blogging, one more profitable than the other. First of all, small business owners find a great advantage in the use of blogs that provide rich informational content and the opportunity for great marketing promotions. But let's take a look at how you can turn blogging into a profitable activity. There are two possibilities: you either get paid for allowing other business owners to advertise on your site or you can include the blog in one of the many affiliate programs that enjoy such a popularity on the Internet nowadays.

In case you choose to exploit the advertising potential of your blog, the best program to work with is Google Adsense; you'll get paid every time an ad on your site gets clicked, regardless of whether this action converts into profit or not. The logical question that may rise here is: how can you get more clicks for the ads on the blog? Don't think about clicking your own ads to make some more money; fraud clicks are a very hot subject in the business, and Google teams are very efficient at identifying them. Such dishonest practice could cost you dearly if you dare to use it.

You can increase the profitability of the ads on your blog by taking advertising into consideration when you design the site. For instance, the fonts and colors used for the ads should be only slightly different from the rest of the page, without standing out. Why? Because the more visible you make them, the more likely it is that they'll annoy the user, and the entire purpose of your blog is to get people to spend quality time on the page. Adsense is a program that displays only those ads that are related to the domain the blog tackles with, so that you cannot complain about too large a number of irrelevant visitors.

Last, but not least, you can use the blog as part of an affiliate program, which involves promoting the products or services of a specific business. For instance if you've got a blog dealing with diving, you can very well turn into an affiliate for a company that sells diving equipment. The amount of money you are supposed to get is usually part of the individual agreement you sign with the other party, and it usually depends on how well you manage to use the blog to actually convince people to purchase one of the products. Friendly links, special discounts, promotions and e-news letters are all part of an affiliate campaign that could turn a simple blog into a great revenue generator.

For more information about Making Money Blogging, check out Rob Benwell's Site by following this link.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

10 Great Ways for Working Mom's to Earn Money From Home

The following are 10 great opportunities for the stay at home Mom.
Don't forget you can read all of the archived lists at our blog:

Modern Moms Making Money. Millions Of Laid Off Moms Are Looking For An Honest Opportunity To Make Money Online. Our Website Converts! Take Advantage Of The #1 MOMs Offer Right Now And Get Paid 75% Commission Recurring Click Here!

Jewelry Selling Secrets, Start A Jewely & Craft Business From Home. Kameron Kay Shows You The Insider Secrets To Making Jewelry & Crafts And Selling Them To Boutiques, Shops, Artist Fairs, Bead Shops, And More. Perfect Part Time Job And Income For Stay At Home Moms, College Students, Or Anyone Wanting To Make Extra Money. Click Here!

Real Home Business Ideas For Moms. We Teach Moms To Work From Home With Their Own Home-based Business Online. Santa Letter Business, Start A Recipe Or Craft Blog. Virtual Assistant (va And Admin Work) And Transcriptionist (Typing). Be A Wahm! Click Here!

MyMommyBiz: Ideas For Work At Home Moms. Provides EBook(R)s, Advice, Ideas, Resources. Click Here!

Real People Making Money Online. 20 Ordinary People (not 'gurus'!) Who Have Real Internet Businesses Reveal Their Secrets In These Shocking Interviews. If A Former Construction Worker, Teacher, Police Officer, Carpet Installer And Stay-at-home Mom Make Money Online, You Can Do It Too! Click Here!

Purse Party Manual - Instructions On Hosting Purse Parties. Work At Home Moms Learn The Purse Party Business. Whether You Host Your Own Purse Parties Or Recruit People To Host Parties For You, This Purse Party Manual Will Give You Lots Of Tips And Downloads To Have You Hosting Parties That Pay. Click Here!

Discover Over 999 Ways To Earn Money Every Day Working From Home. If You Have Never Had Any Success In The Past... This Is Especially For You! We Have Tons Of New Jobs And Ways To Make Money From. Great For Students, Teenagers, Stay-at-home Moms, Disabled Workers And Everyone Else! Apply Today. Click Here!

General Transcription 101. As Successful Work-at-home Moms In The Transcription Industry, Weve Made It Our Goal To Help As Many Other People Break Into The Industry As We Can. Our Ebook Details The Steps To Success And Walks You Through The Process In One Complete Guide. Click Here!

Start A Kids Sports Photography Business. This E-guide And Accompanying One-hour Audio Gives The Real Deal About What It Takes To Start A Home-based Kids Sports Photography Business. Great For Hockey Moms Who Love To Get All The Shots! Click Here!

Full Time Work At Home Moms. This Is A Series Of Interviews Of Several Successful Women Who Have Online Businesses. This Book Uncovers The Mistakes And Advice That 22 Successful Work At Home Moms (known As Wahms) Have To Share. Becoming A Wahm Is Work, But Is Certainly Doable.
Click Here!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

79 Business Ideas You Can Start at Home

Here are nearly 80 business ideas for you to think about. Some listed here can be very profitable, depending on your level of skills and your location. Some may only start off part time, but could develop into a fulltime homebusiness or work-from-home business later.

1. Start Your Own Personal Shopping Service
2. Make Executive-Level Earnings With Giftbaskets
3. Start Your Own Successful Business Consulting Service
4. Start Your Own Business Financing Service
5. Buy A Franchise
6. Start And Operate Your Own Bartering Service
7. Set Up And Operate Your Own Videotaping Service
8. Start And Operate Your Own Firewood Supply Service
9. Start Your Own Auto Tune-Up Shop
10. Start your own Garden Rubbish Collection Service
11. Start Your Own Mobile Auto Tune-Up Shop
12. Start Your Own Day Care Center
13. Start Your Own Paper Recycling Business
14. Start Your Own Carpet Cleaning Business
15. Start Your Own House And Apartment Cleaning Service
16. Start Your Own Credit And Debt Counseling Service
17. Broker Radio Advertising
18. Start A Money Brokerage Business
19. Party Plan Sales
20. Print and Sell Sports Scorecards
21. Start A Roommate Finding Service
22. Start A Dating And Escort Service
23. Organise and Run Self-Improvement Seminars
24. Make It Big With A Used Book Store
25. Start Your Own Highly Profitable Catering Service
26. Start Your Own Successful Window Washing Service
27. Start A Telephone Answering Service
28. Start Your Own Highly Profitable Shopping Center Papers
29. Achieve Success With Your Own Money Making Newsletter
30. Start & Successfully Operate A Correspondence Club
31. Make Big Money In Real Estate
32. Make Money With Your Answering Machine
33. Buy From The Government Auctions Dirt Cheap and Resell
34. Make Money Making Magnetic Signs
35. Start a Sign Fabrication Business
36. Start A Silk Screening Business
37. Make and Sell House Numbers
38. Start A Profitable House Painting Business
39. Start Your Own Janitorial (Cleaning) Business
40. Dry and Sell Flowers/ Wax Fresh Flowers
41. Grow Fishbait At Home
42. Sell Hobby Items By Mail
43. Write, Print and Distribute Ad Circular for Businesses
44. Start A Pet-Sitting Service
45. Use Your Talent In Your Own Calligraphy Business
46. Turning Your Sewing Into Marketable Merchandise
47. The Business Of Candle (And Soap) Making
48. Set Up Your Own Craft Consignment Shop
49. Build and sell Doll Houses And Doll Furniture
50. Build Scientific Bird Houses For Fun And Profit
51. Make Money In The Clock Mounting Business
52. Sell Decorative Pine Cones
53. Make and Sell Stained Glass
54. Make Jewelry From "Ordinary" Treasures
55. Make Money Buying And Selling Used Cars
56. Make and Sell Lamps And Vases From Bottles
57. Organise and Promote Garage Sales for Others
58. Start a Bed And Breakfast House
59. Set Up A Word Processing Business In Your Home
60. Set up a Furniture Refinishing Business In Your Home
61. Start a Co-Op Coupon Business From Your Home
62. Operate A Cosmetics Business From Home
63. Make Big Money In Your Own Bumper Sticker Business
64. Become a Computer Consultant
65. Manufacture And Sell Embossing Kits
66. Manufacture And Sell Candlemaking Kits etc
67. Start A Picture Framing Business
68. Woodworking From Home
69. Start Your Own Clip Art Business
70. Start Your Own Import/Export Business
71. $1000/A Day Repairing Nintendo Video Systems
72. Design and Sell Advertising Maps
73. Set up Delivery Service With Your Pick-Up Or Van
74. Duplicating Special Cassette Tapes and CDRoms
75. Start A Small Printing Business From Your Home
76. Start A Bookkeeping Business At Home
77. Set Up A Word Processing Business In Your Home
78. Start An Importing Business From Home
79. Make Money With Special Event Videos

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Do we need a new Tea Party?

OK, usually my blog entries are usually pieces of the fluffy mom type, but today, I am going to risk a political commentary.

I hesitate.

Here's the thing. The politicians have a different dictionary then us regular folk.

It's like, they become lawyers and learn how to earn a living with words


They become politicians and they are handed a new dictionary.... same words, different meanings.

For example, Since the 30's the term or phrase "Bail out" literally meant abandoning ship, jumping out of a plane, to leave or abandon a harmful situation. Now it means: to rescue financially.

I'm pissed, because they use real words, words you and I know and love and turn them into grotesque characatures of their literary selves.... (ah ha.... two can play at that game.)

Did you know that Fiscal Conservatism, literally means keeping the status quouo with regards to public funds and taxes?

Did you know that "Private Sector" is actually redundant... as Private means a restricted group or class and Sector (as it relates to people and not a geometric figure or the military) also means a group of specific section of people.

What the heck is a targeted investment - Literally a targeted is... to make a target and investment is the outlay of money usually for profit or income. This is the most mystifying of all of the terms I have heard in reply to Veto'ing the stimulus package... because there weren't enough Targeted Investments... does that mean, that the package outlines how we can spend more money and not profit or recieve an income? OR..... Or....

is the term Profit..... relative?

SO I stumbled upon the following website that details the process of getting a bill passed... and well.... you take a look... Go Ahead... I'll wait.

Do you get the same feeling ... Doesn't it kind of sound like High School?

Scary... that's all I can say.

OK, that's it. I gotta go make some dinner.

have a great night!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Can we please dispense with the butt crack pants ... already

I only have 5 minutes before I have to start my day.... and yet.... I feel like I must get this out.


This weekend I was at the local Sears Essential and noticed a lovely pair of brown Capri's... I noticed that the manikin has a pair on with a great combination of 2 3/4 sleeved shirts... I thought, "add 20 .... ok 30 pounds to that manikin, and that could be me!" I bought the Capri's, and the 2 shirts and was as excited as a school girl with her new Sunday dress getting ready for church this morning.... when..... I tried on the pants.

Now, I gotta tell you.... I am not oddly shaped.

I am not extraordinarily angled or lumpy.

I am not a gelatenous ball of flub....

So, what is up with the need to air out our butt cracks? Has anyone in the fashion industry actually seen the butt crack of a 180 pound (don't forget I'm really tall) 40 year old? (ok... ok.... 44 years old)

Here's the thing... besides being unsightly, it is pretty uncomfortable... I always have the feeling that someone is going to walk by and drop a quarter down my crack!

Seriously, does anyone like the way these pants feel? How about having to wear a belt... no problem, I'll wear the belt... but it's gonna have to be HUGE... because it is going to have to go around my ample.... dare I say, voluptuous hips... instead of my more narrow waist.

AND then I ask .... why have a belt, if you are going to get to gaze at my coin depository anyway.

I BEG.....

I PLEA....

PLEASE PLEASE.... don't make me shop at Lane Bryant (not that there's anything wrong with that :)).... but........I am still hip........I am still cool.... I would just appreciate it.... if the junk in my trunk remained an alluring mystery!

Would someone please pass the message on to the clothing manufacturers? For the love of everything that is holy... I'm not ready for the white polyester pants with elastic waist band.... NOOOOooooooo!!!!!!! But I am awfully tired of wearing my 12 year old Old Navy Dress Pants to work... because they are the only pants that don't flash my butt cheeks when I sit down!

Thanks for listening, pass it on!

Have a great day!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Does that make me a bad mom?

How many times a day have you taken a little short cut in parenting... perhaps left the jelly off the peanut butter and jelly sandwich... Turned on the TV at night instead of a night light... and allowed them to pour a bowl of cereal instead of the usual eggs, toast and orange juice for breakfast...

Here's my problem, I feel like I'm trying my best, but I wonder if I really am.

Recently my older daughters teacher seemed to imply that I wasn't doing enough in several basic areas of my daughter education and upbringing. She wanted me to be more organized, less messy and to spend more time with my oldest doing flash cards.

I'm going to focus on the messy for now, because the whole spend more time with flash cards after 6.5 hours of school, then another 40 minutes of homework, is making my eye twitch.... So, about me being unorganized. Unorganized is a nice word for Messy...AND..... I AM MESSY.

When I say I am messy.... I mean, I am a reality show's dream. I am so messy, I am in denial... I watched "The Messiest House in America" and actually compared my house... with comments like, "Oh, My livingroom doesn't look like that" or "Atleast my bathroom isn't gross"... Yes... yes, I hear myself. I understand that most people were just thinking "Eeeewwwwwwww" or "Yyyyyuuuuuccccckkkkkkk"... while I am convincing myself that my house is nothing like that.

Actually, I'm just being funny, although I did think those things... the problem with the Messiest house in America is that is was also the dirtiest... and my house isn't dirty. I can see the whole floor in any given room atleast once a week. It's just keeping things put away that is our struggle. No one, including myself, puts anything away.... until it's cleanup time.

That's why I implemented "chore day" . The kids pick chores out of the hat... then do that chore. I have found that as long as each chore involves water somehow... they are all happy!

Now... while I'm writing I have had an epiphany... I am the perfect person for a new show called "The DIY, Self Help, Reality TV Bonanza" and it goes a little like this:

I could use the "Dog Whisperer" to help with my dog, "What not to Wear" to help with my nonexistant wardrobe (you must have read the Saga of the Wrangler Jeans post), "Clean Sweep", or "Clean House" with Neicy... and perhaps.... dare I declare.... I could use a little "Super Nanny", to help keep it all together when it's done. AND while I'm at it... it probably wouldn't hurt to win a million bucks.... hhhmmm.... not quite smart enough for "Who wants to be a Millionaire" maybe I could be a survivor someplace for the week that they are organizing my house, training my dog, and instructing my children on how to behave... AND... here's the bonus... I'll return from the week away much thinner, having only eaten bugs and worms... so I'll be in great shape to go to the city with "What not to Wear".

and...... and..... and..... after all this... I'll be a celebrity, so I can go on "Celebrity Rehab" to try to kick my blogging habit! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

Not buying it?


So, my house is messy, my kids a tad unruly, my clothes 20 years outdated... or should I say, undated... and my dog nearly pulls my arm out when walking and another dog comes into view... but all in all.... it's not bad.

I have three fantastic kids that periodically shock me with their kindness and thoughtfulness (this morning I received a hand written poem from my 7 year old, a handmade fork windchime from my 5 year old (real forks.. ha ha ha) and a big hug from my 4 year old)

Life is good!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Starting a Cleaning Business ... when you hate to clean

Recently I was invited to join two other women who want to start a part time cleaning business. My immediate gut reaction was "Hell NO!"... and then my secondary and third reactions were equally as negative and not appropriate for print but they basically summed my feelings up like this, "I can't stand cleaning my own house, why would I want to clean someone elses?"

And then.... what often happens to me... happened and I had an epiphany.

I realized that I don't have to clean houses to earn money cleaning... I can clean office space!

I enjoy vacuuming, mopping and dusting uncluttered surfaces, provided I have gloves, I don't mind cleaning bathrooms. That my friends, sums up the office cleaning responsibilities... right? I would say that in most offices you aren't going to run into dirty laundry, toys, crayons.... and a sink full of unwashed dishes..... Oh did I mention that most offices don't have dog or cat hair!

So, I set out to do some research.... (most of which was performed in my head... right before I fell a sleep)... I thought back about the cleaning services I have witnessed.

1.) JaniKing - cleaned a post-secondary school I worked at as an instructor in the evening. Basically, they wiped the bathrooms down, emptied the garbages and vacuumed the floors. They didn't clean any table tops or computer monitors... Maybe, they used fantastic on the cafeteria tables, but I don't think so. I NEVER saw a mop on any of the tile floors, but that doesn't mean they didn't do them... I never saw them. AND I remember that they did NOT remove stains from the carpets.

2.) Alfredo - The guy that cleans the office where I work now. Alfredo comes in every Saturday for an hour or so, and cleans the bathrooms and empties the garbages. He also vacuums the carpeted areas... OH, I think I've seen him damp mop the tile floors.

Again.... no toys, no dog hair, no cat hair, no laundry, no dishes.

I guess the question would be, how much would you need to make a cleaning business worth the money. And that question, will be answered after additional research... Until then, have a great day!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wrangler Originals ~ My A** Literally!

I apologise for the upcoming language that will be uttered... with the utmost lady-likeness.... but these jeans suck.

let me lay it out for you.

I'm a tall woman, and I find that it's fairly hard to pigeon hole me into the normal sizes... 14, 16 (or wishfully 10, 12) even if I do find a Tall... so, to reduce my stress... I have been shopping and wearing men's jeans for YEARS!

It's great!

First of all... You can pick your waist... You can pick you length... and now that men are so ... metro sexual... they have virtually the same cuts... relaxed, boot, straight, narrow... you name it. I prefer the relaxed boot cut myself.

Here's the best part... these jeans are built to last.

I have been wearing my favorite pair of Levi's for about 10 years now. My 4 or 5 pairs have dwindled down to 1... and even that pair has a huge hole in the knee and frayed patches at several seams.... in December, while holiday shopping at Target, I decided to take a gander at what jeans were available.

I picked out a fantastic dark blue pair of Wrangler "originals", boot cut... relaxed fit... normal waist (not too low... not too high) They were perfect! They didn't leave that gap of air at the back when I bent over... and they didn't show my butt crack either! PERFECT!


Now I had 2 pairs of jeans... only 2 days a week I could wear jeans... so let's say, since Christmas, this particular pair has been worn 4 times... possibly 6.

Last weekend, the knee gave out.

No warning, when I put them on... the knee suddenly looked.... frayed.. like it was deteriorating... and within days, there was a gaping hole the size of my knee. (the same size as my 10 year old Levi's, that took about 6 years to get like that)

I wore them with the hole. I blamed myself. Perhaps I was crawling on the floor picking up after the kids... playing with the dog... whatever, perhaps I was being too hard on these American Originals.



The following week, I bent over... and the whole entire butt ripped from the buckle seam to the start of the leg.

Now listen folks. I was not stuffed into these jeans like sausage in a casing.. they were so comfortably loose I could have grabbed a handful of fabric... NOW... any passersby could grab a handful of A**!

I did what any red blooded American would do that had just spent $29.00 of her hard earned single parent dollars on a much deserved treat for herself.... I wrote the company.

They have ignored me.

And so I commence.... My Wrangler-Originals-Suck campaign.

GO LEVI's! (which begs the question... why was Travis considered years late?)

Anyway, back to the Wrangler Originals Suck campaign.....

I wonder how long these "originals" would have lasted out on the "trail" considering they lasted about 30 days in a suburban house in New Jersey?

Your thoughts on the matter?

I look forward to your comments and feel free to bash any products that have disappointed you as much as the Wrangler Originals and their lack of customer service have disappointed me!

have a great day!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How to know what to sell on eBay

This is going to be a quicky... I realized that I haven't updated my blog in a while, and I wanted to just put a little something out there for you.

Many people don't realize that they can check how well an item sells on ebay by checking the completed listings.

So, let's say for instance, you have a winter jacket, barely used... LLBean.... You go to ebay, selected the advanced search, type your keywords into the search criteria... and put a check mark in front of the "completed listings" only.

This will now display ONLY THE ENDED AUCTIONS. This is great for you, as it will tell you several things

#1) how many of those items didn't sell
#2) how many sold and for how much
#3) what is the difference between the successful sales versus the unsuccessful (look at the title, the description, the number of pictures, the condition ... even the time of day and the actual day of the week the auction ended)

Armed with this information, you will be more likely to successfully list your items on eBay.

I welcome your comments

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