Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Negative Power of Complaining
Just like the highway, there are people who insist on "teaching" you how to drive, they believe themselves to be excellent drivers and therefore make every effort to teach you by example... right down to making sure you can't pass them so you will be able to "learn" longer. (In the office this is similar to the person that feels they must walk you through your job, even though you have been doing it for years, they still feel the need to tell you what screens to go to in the software and what codes to use to access the information.)
Just like the highway, there are people driving slow in the fast lane... they seem placed there specifically to slow you down. (This is the person that reviews your urgent proposal for 4 days and then takes another 3 days to toggle between two different closings... Very truly yours, or Sincerely)
And Just like the highway, there are those people sitting in bumper to bumper traffic, that insist on beeping their horn, as if the 4 mile backup is due to someone "not going". (In the office this translates to the person that always complains and mostly about things that they have absolutely no control over)
This is the person I want to speak to today.
Stop it!
You complain after you return from a client site about; how far you had to drive, how dumb the client is, how cheap the client is, how difficult the project is... If you can't complain about the client, then you complain about; your girlfriend, your health, your parents dog! PLEASE.
You are like a great big bummer cloud, sucking the pleasure out of the air and raining down discontent.
I'm sure you don't believe this... but if you changed your negative ways, you would be much happier too.
If you have the urge to complain, stop.
If you must speak, make a positive comment about something good that happened today.
Go ahead try it
I'm waiting.
Hmmmmm not so easy right.
Is it because you think no one will care about... the great tune you heard on the radio this morning, or the fantastic sleep you had last night?
Is that is?
Honestly, if no one cares about the good stuff.... what makes you think we care about all of the things you are constantly complaining about?
Please try to be the person that comes in like the golden rays of the sun warming everyone with their positive glow and humor.... instead of the big bummer cloud!
I beg of you, on behalf of your co-workers....
If you have to talk...
and we have to listen -- We would prefer to hear about the cute thing that the little chipmunk did on your deck to taunt your dog this morning .... rather than... the lady at the Dunkin Donuts who apparently dedicated her morning to making yours more difficult, by not understanding your order the first time you interrupted your blackberry text-fest to give it to her.
In closing, you bring us down. And although secretly I'm hoping your don't read this post, because I have won the last 4 out of 5 "What-will-he-come-in-complaining-about-today" pools. I still have to think that although I won't be richer, I will be a little happier.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
10 Things I Didn't Know About Mono
Here's the list. I hope it helps!
10 things I didn’t know about Mono
1. Mono is caused by the Epstein –Bar Virus (“EBV”)which is a member of the herpesvirus family
2. By Adulthood most people have anti-bodies directed against EBV
3. Healthy people without symptoms secrete the EBV in their saliva FOR YEARS due to periodic “reactivations” of the viral infection
4. It is believed that these previously infected but currently healthy people are the primary reservoir for transmission of EBV among humans
5. The incubation period is – up to 6 weeks!
6. People who have NEVER “had” mono-- but were exposed and therefore have the virus in their system as well as the anti-bodies -- can still be carriers and spew virus particles in their saliva during reactivations THROUGH OUT THEIR LIFETIME.
7. In addition to fatigue, headache, fever, soar throat, swollen glands and enlarged spleen, Hepatitis, Jaundice and a rash are symptoms.
8. The EBV virus can live for several hours outside the body and is very contagious
9. First identified in 1889 and called “glandular fever” it went through a series of renames and discoveries and eventually in 1964 was discovered to be a member of the Epstein Bar Virus
10. The big worry is rupture the spleen, so children and young adults are not allowed to participate in vigorous activities or contact sports (including rough housing with brothers and sisters)
Well that’s the list.
Mononucleosis diagnosis is based on a persons age, symptoms and a physical exam. A diagnosis of mononucleosis is made from laboratory tests including:
· Atypical lymphocytes - a type of white blood cell, in the blood. In mononucleosis, these atypical lymphocytes make up more than 10% of total lymphocytes.
· Increased total white blood cell count
· Antibody tests like the mono spot test.
· Additional Epstein Barr antibody tests
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
This my friends, is where the benefit of being a work-from-home mom comes in.
This, my dear readers, is WHY you decided to work from home. (ok that and because the cost of child care was so prohibitive that every penny was going to "The Local Learning Academy" and none towards groceries)
Yesterday my 7 year old had 102.8 fever, I should have known something was brewing when she decided to take a nap. Eventually we got her fever down and she slept through the night. This morning she has a low grade fever but reports a "pukey" tummy and ear ache.
By tomorrow my other 2 youngster will probably bed ridden.
The Bad News: Three girls = Whine fest 2008
The Good News: I'm home.
If you are a work-from-home parent, you are probably aware of the one limitation of working from home AND watching the kids.
The phone is a magnet or monumental proportions. They could all be in the living room putting together puzzles, playing with dolls, or the Little Tikes Kitchen... but as soon as the phone rings or you dial out.... All three of them PLUS THE DOG, will be tugging at your shirt for attention, repeating "mommy mommy mommy" or perhaps requesting a snack over and over again.
You can't even take the phone out into the back yard... because they will find you.
or worse.... the baby will suddenly and inexplicably wake up from his/her nap and start wailing! If you are a new mother, you know what that does... if you are a stay at home father... (sorry guys, but your not known for your multi-tasking abilities) you may even hang up on your caller just to go to the baby.
NO.... You must be aware of this limitation.
If you are working from home and you have younger children. You must NOT perform any phone work. If you can't NOT use the phone for your job, you may want to consider calling in reinforcements. Someone to sit with the kids while you make your calls.
Hope that helps.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Is Gluten Free the New Black?
I was interested in finding out if being Gluten-Free was really a necessary evil or if it was just the latest and most fashionable eating trend... like South Beach, Atkins and the Cabbage Soup Diet. (What? You've never heard of the cabbage soup diet, my friend Diane swears by it. smile)
Let me tell you why I even googled the words, Gluten-Free.
My 7 year old. From 3 months on, she was a chubby baby. She is was always hungry. She still is. She also has asthma, which wasn't called asthma until she was 5 years old, prior to that the pediatrician and allergy/immunologists said "well, could be asthma, could be allergies, it's treated the same way". Turns out she has some allergies (i.e. Cats, Dust, Weeds, Trees, cockroaches) and she also has asthma. Her excema appeared sometime around 3 years old, I think, but she has had dermatitis (which is just basically a blanket name for itchy skin, not as bad as excema or sporiasis... but persistently itchy), since she was a toddler. Couple of other things to note: She frequently has a tummy ache after eating and rotates from having both spectrums of "problems" .... going number 2. She frequently complains of being to tired to walk, or play outside. Over the last 2 years she has complained about her feet and knees hurting.
Let's see, what else..... hhhmmmmm...... Ah Yes, always a prolific puker. Never had a problem "spitting up" as a baby, only ever started puking when she started eating real food.
Now.... in retrospect, that all fits with what I am reading about an intolerance to gluten.
Well, first let me tell you... there is a big difference between a gluten or wheat allergy and something called Coeliac Disease. The Coeliace disease is hereditary and eating wheat destroys the lining of the small intestines, so the nutrients aren't absorbed correctly.
For more comparison between the two, read this article:
Here's the run down of the symptoms:
Allergic reactions to wheat (IgE-antibody mediated) usually begins within minutes or a few hours after eating or inhaling wheat. The more common symptoms involve the skin (urticaria [hives], eczema, angioedema [swelling due to allergy]), the gastrointestinal tract (abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting, oral allergy syndrome) and the respiratory tract (asthma or allergic rhinitis). In association with exercise, reactions to gliadin or gluten can cause urticaria, angioedema or life-threatening anaphylaxis. As these proteins are present in other cereals, these symptoms may also occur in wheat-allergic individuals due to cross-reactivity.
Anyway, back to what I was saying... Turns out, when I google Gluten-Free and there are more grocery stores, online malls, books, products, software and more than the iPhone 3G! Here's the thing... with all of the information there was one clear theme.... whether it's a wheat "allergy", gluten intolerance, or Coeliac... the bottom line is, avoiding gluten or wheat products (see the above list) is the only "cure". Because there is no cure.
So, since I can't afford a nutrionalist, I am going to go gluten free for 3 weeks. (not just me... me and my three kids) I am fortunate that I live by a Trader Joe's AND a Whole Foods. It's going to be expensive, but the rewards... if this turns out to the be the problem... will be priceless.
I am going to document each day and record what we eat (see ) and I will also document my 7 year olds progress with her asthma, weight, energy level and all that other stuff. Wish us luck!
If you are unable to access the blog, feel free to contact me at and I will add you to the list of authorized viewers.
P.S. In case you were wondering, here's the list of things you need to watch for in the ingredients to make sure it's gluten free:
the presence of wheat proteins
Bread crumbs
Bran Cereal
extract Couscous
Cracker meal
Enriched flour
High-gluten flour
high-protein flour
Vital gluten
Wheat bran
wheat germ
wheat gluten
wheat malt
wheat starch
Whole wheat flour
Gelatinized starch
Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
Modified food starch
modified starch
Natural flavoring
Soy sauce
Vegetable gum
vegetable starch
I think about covers it.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
10 Dieting Practices that Don't Work
#1) Ordering the Wendy's #4 (Baconator with Cheese) and changing it to a medium rather than a large.
#2) Adding extra exercise when you have added extra food. (by extra exercise we are talking about walking out to the mailbox daily, rather than bi-weekly)
#3) Joining weight watchers. Trust me, it doesn't work... It might work if I actually went to a meeting... and well, kept track of how many "points" I had consumed on a given day... but just joining didn't work.
#4) Joining Lucille Roberts or Bally's ... Nope, apparently you have to actually go there and "work out" to see any benefit.
#5) Drink more water. This one... I'm on the fence. I only tried it for a day, and I got freaking tired of walking to the bathroom every 15 minutes. I was exhausted.. I seriously considered adult diapers as a solution... then realized I didn't have to keep drinking all the damn water. Honestly, it was the worst day of my life, have you ever seen a 43 year old do the "potty dance"?
#6) Eat Salad. Well, apparently this only works if you don't slather the salad with Ken's Russian Dressing, homemade croutons, slices of steak and chunks of cheese. Yum Yum
#7) One glass of wine a night. Wait a minute. Now that I am thinking about it, I believe that is supposed to be good for your heart. No wonder it didn't help me lose weight
#8) Atkins Diet - no carbs. Well, I'll be honest, this worked pretty well for me.... for like a milli-second, then I glanced at a bowl filled with homemade bread -- and the fat came back like the nutty professor.
#9) Register online with eDiets. Again, if you aren't going to take any of the e-advice, then you won't get any of the e-weight loss.
#10) Denial, I have taken denial all the way. I have my mirrors hung, so that I can only see myself from the shoulders up. Most day, this works pretty good. Unfortunately you always run the risk of shock from the random FULL ON BODY SHOT. There's no rhyme or reason, it might be the glass front of the Dr's office or a shiny elevator door... it doesn't even have to be a clear shot... just a Full Shot... enough for you to realize that it's only your reflection not several people crowded together on the other side of the glass... nope. It's just you. AND you are wide. If you are practicing "denial", stay away from dressing rooms. What the heck, if it fits, wear it. Who cares what it looks like.
And that friends, are the 10 Dieting practices that don't work.
My advice (and this is free)
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Worlds Biggest Time Saver - Grocery Shopping ONLINE
I don't know why I never thought this existed
I don't know why there aren't banner ads promoting this service
But I got to tell you.... as a mother of three small children, being able to place my order online, then drive to the store.... wait in my car while the personal shoppers stack the grocery bags filled with food in the back of my mini-van.... never leaving my car! I pay. I check to make sure the kids are still buckled up and I head home. Start to finish.... about 15 minutes (of course your travel time may vary)
In my town there are online grocery shopping options:
Stop and Shop (which is actually
Shop rite
Peapod actually delivers the groceries to your kitchen. The truck shows up, he carries all the bags in (including the cases of water and soda... ahhhhhh) and puts them right on the kitchen counter (or in my case, on the kitchen table, because my counters are always cluttered.
I stopped using peapod because it was a little expensive and not as convenient for me. It requires a little planning. You have to order your food at least a day in advance. ME? I keep thinking I'll get to the store, and it's not until I'm out of milk that I force myself to consider my options.
Ordering from peapod is easy, but like I said, you need to be able to schedule the delivery for at least 24 hours later.
Shop rite also delivers, they don't have a big fancy truck... they have a guy in a mini-van (or at least the one by me has a mini-van) But it's an additional $20.00 to your order.
HOWEVER, it's only an additional $10.00 to have the personal shopper pull your food, pack it in bags and place it in your car... only $10.00 extra to have a weeks worth of shopping done for you! AND... they only need about 5-6 hours to put it all together.
So, for instance, yesterday about 8:00am I realized that I need to go shopping, I realized that I had a lot of other things to do and I realized that I just didn't have the patience to spend an hour in the supermarket with all the kids... I spent about 30 minutes shopping (I always check the sales circular first... ) then I placed my order and scheduled the pick up for 3:30pm THAT SAME DAY!
My personal shopper called at 1:30 to tell me there were a few things they didn't have in stock and ask if I wanted substitutions... and by 2:00 I was on the way to the grocery store to pick up my order; by 2:12 I was headed back home. ahhhhhh life is good!
Here are some links to sites that provide home delivery and pick up
and Kings is currently developing their online shopping program.
As is true with most of the world... those that could most use the services... will find they aren't available in your area. However, you may also find that if you shop... "outside the box" , (go to a different grocery store, or one that is slightly farther away) you may be able to take advantage of the online shopping.
I'm very lucky, I have several stores that offer the services in several convenient locations (since I'm the shop online, pick up the groceries kind of shopper) You will need to determine if any of the stores near you offer the service... you may be surprised!
First, check the web for your favorite grocery store.
See if they list "online shopping"
Then use the store locator to find the closest participating store in your area!
Be WARNED, once you use this service.... you will be hooked.
Have a great day! I look forward to your comments.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I marvel at the homes of my friends and relatives who seem to be able to keep your homes so tidy and clean it looks like a furniture showroom. I have told myself (and anyone that will listen) it's because I am either too busy to go following them around and picking up immediately after them or it doesn't bother me and I'd rather let them experience youth then stand over them making them scrub floors (obviously an exaggeration).
Here's the truth. I'm tired and it doesn't bother me enough to change how I am parenting. I get up, the kids get up, we all leave the house to go to work or school or preschool. We all return, they play while I cook dinner, we all hang out for 1 hour then they go to bed, then I go to bed. Did I mention that all starts at 5:00am and bedtime is 8:00pm. I'm usually asleep by 8:30pm.
It would seem that there isn't a lot of time for cleaning... or messing up the house for that matter. However, if you are a parent with three small children, you are aware that they don't need much time to pull out the Lego's and spread-em all over the living room floor. Or the floor puzzle.
I know, I know, I can hear my sister-in-law with the always tidy, and never messy house say, "Get them to clean it up before they come to the table".
I have finally found a solution that works for me... and works for the kids.
The Pile Method.
I start in the messiest room and I literally sweep EVERYTHING into a pile. Dolls, Puzzle pieces, dog hair, paper plates, whatever is under the couch, or table. I sweep across the rug, I sweep under everything and end up with a big pile of STUFF in the room. This stuff can be broken down into 3 basic categories
1. Clothes - if your kids are like mine, they are constantly taking their clothes off, or shoes off, or socks off.... and just dropping them where they are
2. Toys - like I explained, puzzle pieces, Lego's, littlest pet shop toys - houses - furniture
3. Garbage - empty paper cups, plates, used tissues, you know things that were on the coffee table that maybe fell onto the floor.
So, it takes about 5 minutes to sweep everything into a pile.
I give the kids 5 minutes to pick out the stuff that they want to keep and put it away.
I put everything else in the trash, then I sweep the rest into the garbage with the dust pan and it's done.
That's right.
I go from Incredibly messy, to incredibly clean in 15 minutes.
I then apply this to their bedroom, the dining room (where our kitchen table is).
PAINFULLY, I also apply this method to myself in my own room.
Here's the trick.
The trick is to really throw the stuff out. If the kids see that their toys are going in the trash, then they will be more likely to pick them up. You can't threaten and not follow-through.
Prepare yourself. Prepare yourself for your children's initial cavalier attitude towards expensive toys that you believe you would cherish. Prepare yourself for the (what you would believe) misplaced devotion to the doll you got from the dollar store. Prepare yourself. Just get rid of it.
My biggest battle with The Pile Method, was the waste of money. Here's the thing. Having the house cleaned up and straightened up and tidy.... is relaxing. The children are relaxed. I am relaxed and happy to be in that space.
I have been using the pile method for several months and my children's toys have been weeded out to the point where they are quick to clean up the toys in the pile, lest they end up in the garbage.
Ahhhhhh life is good.
Now is someone could just help me get the piles of laundry folded and put away..... sigh.......
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Biting the Moon, by Martha Grimes - A Book Review
This is my first ever book review.
I wish I could tell you that I liked this book, but I found it very.... unsatisfying.
The tale was initially reviting, and it held until about 3/4 of the way through, then the characters started to become too fantastic, too dream like and unbelievable. Everything started working out perfectly, no glitches, no hesitation.
The ending left me wondering if they were saving something for a sequel, because I really didn't feel any closure.
There were many situations that I simply said, "OH yeah right"
It's too bad that the novel didn't still with the theme of the first portion. I don't know if I didn't like that the main character never finished anything or the author intended for me to be uneasy. By the end of the book, I was tired of being uneasy and waiting for some comfort or closure or final disaster.... instead it just kind of petered off.
Biting the Moom wasn't a terrible book, but I can't say that I enjoyed it. It took about 1 day to read, mostly because I seemed to be waiting for something to happen.... that never did.
Excerpt from the back of the book: "She didn't know who she was -- or where she came from. But one morning she awoke in a strange bed-and-breakfast with a message that her "daddy" would soon return from Santa Fe. Fearing the worst, this nameless young woman disappeared into the wilderness. She christened herself Andi Oliver, from the initials on her backpack, and lived int he mountains -- utterly alone. Until she met mary Dark Hope, a girl who shared her loneliness and confusion. Together, they vowed to track down the one person who held the key to Andi's identity: The stranger who abducted her"
Friday, July 18, 2008
Your Secret Weapon - The Resume
It's a greeting card that should convey the feeling that you are perfect for this job please call to schedule an interview.
And just as you would have different kinds of cards for different types of occasions, you need to have different resumes for the different positions for which you may apply.
Your Resume and Cover letter MUST speak directly to each position. This is the difference between sending out 60 resumes a week, and only getting 3 phone calls and sending a much high percentage.
You don't have to rewrite your resume every time... for instance, if you are looking for customer service position and/or billing (Accounts receivable). You can have two very similar resumes, in the description of the work performed at each previous job, the customer service resume would stress customer service interaction and the accounts receivable resume would have the same details, stressing the accounting aspect of the job. You might even keep the exact same detail, but just switch the order that the work description is listed for the different resumes.
Also, try revamping your resume and after your name and contact information put together a two column list of your skills. Like a quick summary. Here are some examples of skills: MS Word 2003 - 2007, MS Outlook, Webmail, Typing 91 WPM, Quickbooks Pro 2003... You get the idea. Your skills may be related to a specific phone system, or medical software, or heavy equipment.
Think about it, your skills are really what most employers are interested in. Your previous employment and education speak to the employer about your ability to learn, your ability to stick to a job and will give them someone to call to confirm that you can perform the skills you listed. But honestly... it's your skills they want.
NEVER NEVER NEVER include a specific salary requirement in your cover letter or resume. If the ad for the position requires that a "salary requirement be specified" or the resume won't be considered, then put in a desired range, with at least $5000.00 wiggle room. Here's why.... by committing to a salary, you are bidding against yourself. Why put how much, when you don't know what they are offering?
The bottom line is the resume is the unsung hero of successful job searches. Don't be satisfied with that old thing you have been using for years. Take a look at it. Work on it. AND USE IT!
Here are a couple of links to some resume services that I have found on the web...
as well as a Link to MY Resume Template! keep me posted.
Click here for My Resume Template only $5.95 - Its a Very Successful : Buy Now
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The Secret to Job Searches
First, you need to be looking for a job.
Second, you need to decided how far you want to go for your job.
Once you have decided to seek employment and you know WHERE you want to work, the rest is easy.
First, let me provide you with a list of the top Job Search Websites. These are the ones that legitimate employers are most likely to use:
There is also and (sorry, no really cool graphics!)
Now.... For the secret.
Don't limit your search to any keywords. Unless you are a scientist or physician with a specialist, if you limit your search you are assuming that the person entering the position is calling the position the same thing as you.
For instance, if you want or like jobs in maintenance and you search for "janitor" then you may not get all of the other jobs listed in the maintenance field because you have limited the search by keyword.
If you are seeking a job as a receptionist, and you look for receptionist... you may miss the jobs that is mostly answering incoming calls, but the employer refers to as a "customer service" position.
Now that I've told you what NOT wot write... Here's the other secret. Make sure when you get your MOUNTAIN of results because you didn't limit your search by keyword, you pick out the titles that you DON'T want.
For instance, when I search Monster or Careerbuilder, I always find the "work from home scams" they usually have a job description that starts something like: Make up to $1000.00 a week from home. So, I select a part of that text like "from home" and put that in the keyword search with a minus sign "-" in front (-from home) This will limit my results to NOT include any listings that contain "from home" in the title.
(note: some search engines ask you to separate keywords with commas, if you are using keywords to limit, look for those instructions)
And that's it.
First, don't limit the good jobs by putting in a keyword, you may find the job of your dreams called something that you never would have imagined, and weed out the bogus opportunities with the minus sign.
I hope this helps!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Do What You Love, Love What You Do!
There, have we lost all of the negative nay sayers? Now let's get down business. There are 2 kinds of people in the world. Those that live to work and those that work to live. OK OK there are also the people that don't work at all! HA HA, let's make a couple of assumptions.
First, we are all willing to work.
Second, we find sheer joy in something.
Are you asking yourself, "Did she say, Sheer Joy?"
Yup, I said "SHEER JOY"
Finding joy in something--anything is the key to finding that occupation that you absolutely love. Start to think in terms of "what do you really love doing" not in terms of "what jobs are listed on Career builder" Now... I'm not saying that there aren't those people that love and enjoy the money they earn from a job they hate... MORE than they want to enjoy their job.
Let's face it... if you have a nice high paying job, and it is making your life easier to live and making it easier to raise your family and afford the things you like... you should probably keep that job. This article is really more for the people that are either not satisfied with their jobs or simply can't keep a job.
Think outside the box. It's scary and you might need to move outside your comfort zone... you might need to physically MOVE... but think about it. Really think. And Answer this question.
What 3 things do you really LOVE.
Here's my list:
Giving People Advice / Solving Problems
Nice right. Here's what I found... I love books, love to own then, love to read them, love to sell them. So I started an eBay bookstore. I do pretty well, when I keep up on the listing inventory, I enjoy everything about selling the books... except -- keeping up on the listing inventory. (shameless plug for my bookstore: So, I make some money, but more like a hobby then a real job. Part of the problem (or at least I explain to myself) is that I have to pay bills, so I can't invest as much time as is required into looking for the GREAT books. Well... I never would have known if I hadn't tried.
I LOVE Coffee... My dream. ..... sigh..... one day, I will own a coffee shop. You know, one of those coffee shops with Internet access... maybe even a couple of PC's on the wall... Maybe a coffee shop / gently used book store. Ahhhhh that would be nice. Let local bands come and play on Saturday Nights... That is what I'm shooting for, that's the dream that I'm putting together.
Now back to you, Why is being JOYFUL important? Because it's true, once you start doing something every day, day in and day out, unless you really love it... it will lose some of it's luster.
Now the hard part. How do you make money doing that thing you love. First realize that not everyone can do what you do. Whether it is reading a book, walking a dog, cleaning a house, using a computer, talking on the phone, liking cats, dogs, badgers raccoons... Find you niche.
If it's animals that are your thing, call the local animal control service, or local vet and tell them you're looking for a job. You get the idea, right?
Don't fall into the trap of under valuing yourself, your product or service. Frequently, because you are offering something that you love doing, that you find easy, you may think everyone can do it so why would they pay. Do the research, Google your job idea. See if there is a specific name for what you like to do, See what other people are paying people to do that job. If it's a business idea (like my coffee shop) then do the research. Take a look at successful businesses, see why they are successful and how they run the work place and what they provide.
Before I leave off on this article... You MUST MUST MUST create a business plan. There are hundreds of business plan helpers on the Internet and I think Microsoft ( even has several business templates for MS Word. You business plan is a road map. A Road Map to success... it's helps you measure your success and ultimately achieve your success.
Good Luck keep me Posted.
How to Start a Freelance Career
Work at Home and Earn an Excellent Income
Imagine being able to work from your own home, doing a job you love, and
getting paid handsomely for doing it. Wouldn't that be great?
Well, the good news is that this is not just a fantasy. It is a prospect that is
well within your reach. Today, millions of people worldwide have established
highly-successful careers as freelance professionals. Writers, designers,
programmers and many other home-based consultants have discovered that
freelancing offers the perfect combination of freedom, creativity, flexibility
and profitability.
So do you need years of experience and fantastic qualifications to join these
lucky people? Not at all. You just need a skill that you can offer to potential
clients, and the willingness to learn how to run a home-based business.
Of course, the biggest challenge for new freelancers is finding enough work to
justify giving up a day job. How can you be sure that you will keep yourself
busy with lucrative work? This used to be a concern, but thanks to the advent of
the Internet, things are now much easier.
Now there are a number of job sites dedicated to helping freelancers find work
and stay busy. Freelance Work Exchange, for example, brings you hundreds of
fresh freelance jobs like these:
Write for Discussion Boards: $1200 per week, plus bonus
A writer is needed for an ongoing writing project. You will need to write copy
to stimulate others into joining the discussion board. The writer needs to
actively encourage regular and meaningful debate on the relevant discussion
board, with some moderating of the content. You must have solid writing skills
and good ideas.
Administer a Web Business from Home: $4000 per month
A successful e-commerce venture is seeking a part-time virtual assistant to act
as a home-based office manager. You will deal with email correspondence, update
site content and deal with general admin issues. You should have your own
computer and Internet access.
Transcribe Author's Notes: $80 per hour, flexible working
A publishing company is seeking a freelance with an eye for detail to
transcribe authors' notes and recordings for a range of ongoing projects. You
must have a good grasp of English, be able to edit content into readable form,
and be able to submit work from home by email.
You can sign up for a trial subscription for just $2.95, and get instant
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